Using Attention to Improve Neural Image Caption Generator

18 Jan, 2020


In this post, I attempt to explain the attention in Neural networks in the context of image captioning. And, how it improves the model performance and provides some interpretability. We will manually inspect the captions generated by the vanilla model against that of the attention powered one. We will also glance through the automatic evaluation criteria used for comparing models in the NLP world and review the pros and cons of using such evaluation metric.

Recollect that, in the previous post, we used vanilla seq2seq architecture to create a model that could caption the images. The seq2seq architecture has two parts: encoder and decoder. We use the encoder to convert the input image into a low dimension image vector. The image vector is then used by the decoder to generate the captions. The decoder generates the caption by producing a single word at every time step. This is done using a combination of word generated at the previous step and the image vector. It continues to do so until it reaches the end of sentence marker or a pre-defined max number of timesteps.

We will make many references to the neural machine translation (NMT) because innovations such as seq2seq, attention were introduced there. These were later adopted by other domains in NLP as well as Computer Vision.


In NMT, we pass the source sentence through the encoder one word at a time. At each timestep, the encoder updates its hidden state, and we expect the final hidden state hNencoder{h_N^{encoder}} to encapsulate enough information to allow the decoder to generate the translation. The decoder makes use of thehNencoderh_N^{encoder} along with its own internal hidden state htdecoder{h_t^{decoder}}, to generate one word at a time. We seem to be asking a lot from the final hidden state of encoder, and indeed, the layer highlighted in red is the information bottleneck.

We visualise the NMT architecture below with input in the Sanskrit language and its English translation.

The input source is taken from the Bhagavad Gita, the ancient Sanskrit scripture, that talks about focusing on the process rather than the results

Example of seq2seq NMT model

If you and I were to caption an image, we would most likely look at specific parts of the image as we come up with the caption. In contrast, our model looked at the entire image (vector) at every timestep. What if we could teach the network to focus on certain parts instead? Similarly, in NMT, what if the decoder could access all the hidden states in encoder and somehow learn to decide how much should it focus on each h1encoder,h2encoder,...,hNencoder{h_1^{encoder},h_2^{encoder},...,h_N^{encoder}}  to generate the next word in target language. And, this motivates the concept of attention in neural networks.


Attention allows the neural network, the decoder in case of image caption, to focus on the specific parts of the image as it generates the caption. Before we see how it is done, let's visualise attention using the cartoon below.

Click on the play button to see the animation

We overlay the attention heatmap to visualise what parts are in focus at each timestep. As you can see, the decoder now focuses on certain parts of the image as it decides the next word. At this point, I must emphasize that without attention, the decoder in previous, used the entire image vector.

The hidden state of decoder hNdecoderh_N^{decoder} is called query, and the hidden state of encoder hNencoderh_N^{encoder} in called value. In our case, the value is simply the image vector (i.e the output of CNN based encoder). We calculate attention using the hidden state of decoder at a particular timestep and the entire image vector from the CNN based encoder. With that, its time for the definition:

Attention is the weighted sum of values dependent on the query

In the case of NMT seq2seq, usually, both encoder and decoder are some variants of RNN and hence have internal hidden states. The decoder makes use of hidden states from all steps (h1encoderh_1^{encoder}, h2encoderh_2^{encoder}, ....,hNencoderh_N^{encoder}) to calculate attention score. This means that decoder is no longer restricted by the limitations of relying on the final hidden state hNencoderh_N^{encoder}. Thus, attention provides a solution to the information bottleneck problem we saw earlier.

General Framework

There are several variants of attention, but the process of generating attention generally follows the following three steps :

  1. Attention Score: Calculate attention score, etRNe^t \in \R^N, using the hidden state of encoder  hiencoderRhh_i^{encoder} \in \R^h and the hidden state of decoder  stRhs_t \in \R^h
  2. Attention Distribution: Calculate attention distribution using softmax over all hidden states αt=softmax(et)RN\alpha^t = softmax(e^t) \in \R^N
  3. Attention Output: Calculate attention output, also known as context vector, by taking the weighted sum of the encoder hidden state and attention distribution at=i=1NαithiencoderRha_t=\sum_{i=1}^{N} \alpha_i^t h_i^{encoder} \in \R^h

We then concatenate attention output ata_t and the decoder hidden state sts_t and continue with rest of the forward pass depending on the architecture (e.g., In this case, we kept the architecture same as the vanilla seq2seq model, GRU -> fully connected)   [at;st]R2h[a_t;s_t] \in \R^{2h}

These steps are discussed in the context of NMT but are also applicable to the image caption model. Instead of encoder hidden state, we just make use of image vector. If it helps, imagine setting hencoder=image vectorh^{encoder} = \text{image vector} and re-reading the steps above.

Types of Attention

There are several ways to compute the attention score. In this post, we cover three common ones listed below. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend this detailed post on attention mechanisms (e.g Hard vs Soft attention, vs attention).

Dot Product Attention

The most basic but fastest form of attention in terms of compute. We calculate the attention score using decoder hidden state sRhs \in \R^h and the hidden state hiencoderRhh_i^{encoder} \in \R^h for every step 1..N{1..N}and summing them together. This requires the encoder and decoder hidden state dimensions to be the same i.e. d1=d2d_1=d_2:

et=[stTh1,stTh2...,stThN]Rhe^t = [s_t^T h_1,s_t^T h_2...,s_t^T h_N] \in \R^h

Multiplicative Attention

In this case, we make use of a weight matrix WW to compute the attention score. This allows the dimensions d1 and d2 of encoder and decoder hidden states to be different. The weight matrix WW is learned during the training phase:

ei=sTWhiRe_i = s^TWh_i \in \R
WRd2d1W \in \R^{d2\, *\, d1}

Additive Attention

This form makes use of two weight matrices W1W_1 and W2W_2 along with the weight vector vv. The weight matrices are learned during the training phase:

ei=vTtanh(W1hi+W2s)Re_i = v^Ttanh(W_1h_i + W_2s) \in \R
vRd3W1Rd3d1W2Rd3d2v \in \R^{d_3} \quad W_1 \in \R^{d_3 * d_1} \quad W_2 \in \R^{d3*d2}


In this section, we compare the captions generated by vanilla seq2seq from the previous post against that of attention powered model and the human baseline, that was created by an 8-year-old. Choose the decoding algorithm from below and hover over the image to see the captions.

Hover over the image to view the captions

In my experiments with decoding algorithms, Pure Sampling Decoder and Top-K Sampling Decoder tend to generate better captions.


Attention greatly improves the model performance by allowing the decoder to focus on certain parts of the encoder. In the NMT vanilla seq2seq model, only the last hidden state of the encoder is used to generate the translation, which causes the information bottleneck situation. Attention solves this issue by providing direct access to all states, which in turn also solves the vanishing gradient problem. This is similar to how resnets solve it by providing skip-connections. We also get some interpretability because we can now see what parts of the input were responsible for a particular word in the caption. In the example below, we overlay attention output over the input image.

Visualising attention as the model generates the caption: Herd of cattle are walking in a field with lots of grass


We did not cover any evaluation metrics while comparing the performance of vanilla and attention-based model. There are a few evaluation metrics used in the Machine Translation world that are useful; one of them is Bilingual Language Evaluation Understudy (BLEU). BLEU generates a score between 0 and 1 by comparing the generated caption against the gold standard reference sentences (i.e human-generated caption). For simplicity, let us assume we have a single generated sentence G and the reference sentence R. We can then calculate BLEU score using below:

  • Calculate n-gram precision score where n={1,2,3,4},n = \{1,2,3,4\}, \,
    Calculate the precision score p1p_1 for unigrams:
    let n{n} be the count of unigrams in G that exist in R and dR{d_R} be the count of all unigrams in R
    we then calculate precision score using p1=ndRp_1 = \frac {n} {d_R}
  • Calculate the precision score for all n-grams yielding p1,p2,p3andp_1, p_2, p_3 \, and and p4p_4
  • Calculate the geometric mean of n-gram precision score
    GM=exp(n=14wnlogpn)GM = exp (\,\sum_{n=1}^4w_nlogp_n)
  • Apply brevity factor to penalise short sentences BP={1if  c>re(1rc)if  crBP = \begin {cases} 1 \quad if \; c > r\\ e^{(1-\frac{r}{c})} \quad if \; c \leqslant r\end{cases} where c is the length of model generated caption and r is the length of reference sentence. As you can see in the image samples above, I was unable to apply brevity factor on the baseline human captions 😜.
  • The BLUE-4 score then is BPGMBP * GM.

Below is the non-exhaustive list of pros and cons of using BLEU as an evaluation metric.

  • An automated approach to evaluate model performance
  • Fast, easy and computationally inexpensive
  • Helped progress the field because researchers can quickly iterate over models and evaluate their performance
  • Lacks correlation with human translation
  • Fails to capture the meaning of the sentence
  • Improved BLEU score does not necessarily improve the translation quality

The model with a high BLEU score is considered good on the leaderboards. And naturally, people started to optimize their models to achieve high BLEU scores. As a result, the models started to attain high BLEU scores, but their correlation with human performance diverged. In other words, the improvements in BLEU score did not translate in improvements against human performance. Rachael Tatman covers BLEU and its pitfall in detail here.


We introduced the concept of attention in neural networks by choosing an existing baseline model and improving it. We observed that attention powered model generated better captions, as shown in the image samples above. We then reviewed a few basic kinds of attention. We found that we could reuse the baseline model architecture and retrofit attention specific logic to it. We also found that attention provided added benefit of interpretability by overlaying the attention output over the input image.

Overall I found that model generated captions are still not as good as human counterparts and still require quite a bit of work. Some of the ideas to improve the performance include improving the data domain, tuning hyperparams and experimenting with different architectures.

Judging by the recent trend in the NLP world, it turns out that Attention is all you need 😉.

TODO Share the code and notebook 👨‍💻

References & Links:
  1. Generating Captions using Neural Networks  [LINK]
  2. Stanford Advanced AI Course: XCS224N - Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
  3. BLEU Paper  [PDF]
  4. Attention blog  [LINK]
  5. Re-evaluating the Role of BLEU in Machine Translation Research  [LINK]
  6. Evaluating Text Output in NLP: BLEU at your own risk  [LINK]
  7. Tensorflow NMT Notebook [LINK]
  8. Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation [LINK]
  9. Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate [LINK]
  10. Beyond Narrative Description: Generating Poetry from Images by Multi-Adversarial Training [LINK]